Why LTG?

With more than a decade of technical consulting experience, LTG has a proven track record of delivering high-value solutions. Experienced professionals can propel your business forward with their unique approach. Leveraging the latest technologies, trends, and best practices to deliver maintainable, innovative solutions.

What we do

We provide a multitude of services, with a concentration in enterprise search consulting. With an extensive background in enterprise search, LTG can arm your business with the knowledge to build a successful search solution. Whether you need an audit of an existing search system or are planning to build a search strategy from the ground-up --- LTG can add value, save time, and help you do it the right way.

Professional Services.

Highly-skilled technology experts will provide immediate impact during all phases of your software development life-cycle. Our consultants use the latest technologies, trends, and best practices to deliver maintainable, innovative solutions.

Enterprise Search Consulting
  • HP IDOL, Solr, and Elasticsearch
  • Search Audit
  • Architecture
  • Strategy
  • Planning, Design, and Deployment
  • Custom Data Agregation
Enterprise Integration Solutions
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Duplicate and Near-Duplicate Content Algorithms
  • Document Conversion Services
Application Development
  • N-tier Application Architecture
  • System Integration
  • Web Development
  • Responsive JavaScript UI
  • Web Services (Web API, RESTful)
Application Deployment
  • On-Prem
  • Containers
  • Virtualized Architecture
  • Microsoft Cloud (Azure)
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)



Enterprise Search Consulting Experience and Expertise.

Specializing in the development and integration of enterprise solutions leveraging market-leading HP/Autonomy IDOL, Solr, and Elastic Stack enterprise search tools. With over 20 years of experience delivering enterprise search solutions for commercial and government customers, our engineers can solve complex data access and discovery problems efficiently. LTG implementation knowledge and experience can assist your business in discovering and making sense of structured and unstructured data throughout the enterprise.

  • Distributed Architecture
  • Meta-Tagging
  • Entity Extraction
  • Taxonomy and Categorization
  • User Interface Design
  • Custom Indexing and Ingestion Module Development
  • Enterprise Data Aggregation and Discovery
  • Integration with New or Existing Enterprise Solutions

Difference Makers. Proven track-record.

Customer-facing consulting engineers bridge the gap between business and technology.

  • Enterprise Search
  • Machine Learning
  • Records Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Web Development
  • Inter-Agency Data Exchange
  • Declassification and Systematic Review
  • eDiscovery and Litigation Support
  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Support
  • Custom Virtual Assistant (Bot) Development
  • Duplicate and Near-Duplicate Document Detection Systems
  • Web-based Document Redaction and Analytics
  • Scalable Document Conversion and OCR Framework
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Disparate Network (Cross-Enclave) Data Synchronization

Cloud. Scalable, Flexible, Managed Infrastructure.

Quicker development. Quicker deployment.

  • Hosted Solutions
  • Virtualization
  • Integrate in-house and cloud solutions
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Amazon AWS